Tips For Spotting Concussion Problems In Your Dog

If your dog has experienced an accident of any kind that included an injury to the head, you should be attentive to the potential hazard of a concussion. Here's a look at what you should know about the risk of concussion in dogs and what you can do about it.

What Are Some Signs That Your Dog May Have A Concussion?

There are many things to watch for when you're concerned about your dog's head injury and concussion.

If your dog appears disoriented or is walking abnormally, that could be a concern. Contusions, or bruises on your dog's brain, can cause this. They don't typically result in unconsciousness, so they're often only spotted by watching for the signs of disorientation and balance trouble.

If your dog has lost consciousness, even if only for an instant, it could be an indication of a concussion. Any time your dog loses consciousness after a head injury, you should call a vet immediately.

If your dog experiences a seizure, it could be caused by scar tissue on the brain due to the concussion. Sometimes it's hard to spot the signs of a seizure in dogs, though. Watch for things like frequent blinking, a dazed look or even subtle twitching.

If your dog's pupils appear to be different sizes or your pup is suddenly favoring one side or the other, that could be indication of severe brain trauma that could have caused even partial paralysis on one side.

What Can You Do About A Dog's Concussion?

When you call the veterinarian about a potential head injury, he or she will complete several neurological exams to determine the severity of the injury and monitor the progression. This is important to help the vet choose the best treatment path.

For dogs who are suffering seizures, your vet may choose to administer a seizure-prevention medication. In addition, if there is any swelling visible around the brain, that may require treatment to draw fluid away.

In some severe cases, your dog may require surgery of some kind to deal with the effects of the injury.

Your veterinarian will help you to monitor and diagnose your dog's condition. Once that diagnosis occurs, you'll have to determine the treatment options and be prepared to monitor your pup throughout recovery for any trouble signs such as falling over or seeming wobbly. The more you understand now, the greater your dog's chances are of having a concussion recognized early enough to get rapid treatment. Have a peek at this website for more information.


About Me

Protecting Your Pet

Nearly nine years ago, I adopted a loving, friendly, and hyper puppy. Over the years, this sweet dog has brought much joy to my small family. Because this dog was the first pet I had as an adult, I researched ways to protect her from potential harm. I was amazed to learn that dogs aren’t supposed to eat certain foods such as chocolate, nuts, and grapes. For instance, I discovered that eating grapes can be detrimental to a canine’s kidneys. If you find out your dog has eaten a forbidden food, you should immediately call your trusted veterinarian. This professional can expertly advise you what you need to do in your situation. On this blog, I hope you will discover ways veterinarians treat dogs who have eaten problematic foods.


