3 Commonplace Health Issues Revolving Around Your Dog

Your dog's health is most likely of the utmost importance to you. However, sometimes it is difficult to tell whether these issues raise serious concern about the overall health of your beloved pet, and it is sometimes difficult to deduce what is causing these health issues. Read on and discover a bit about the most commonplace health issues revolving around your dog and whether or not they are serious enough to warrant a trip to the veterinary office or animal hospital such as Metzger Animal Hospital.


Diarrhea is a commonplace issue with dogs, but it can be cause for concern. In many cases, it can be caused by simple issues like stress. Other times, you may have to worry about more pressing concerns like intestinal parasites, the parvo virus, or issues revolving around your dog's diet. One of the main issues you should be concerned about regarding doggy diarrhea is the fact that this can lead to your pet becoming dehydrated. Make sure that your dog has a constant bowl of water ready if he or she is suffering from diarrhea. If diarrhea consistently continues for over a day or is coupled with bloody stool, take your dog to the veterinarian's office immediately.


Worms are always a cause for concern. Although most types of worms, including roundworms, whipworms, and tapeworms, can be easily treated, there are others still, like hookworms, that can be potentially fatal to small dogs and puppies. Most are treated by a simple oral medication. There are a number of symptoms to look for that are telltale signs that your dog is suffering from worms of some sort. These symptoms include a worn-down appearance or a dry-looking coat. You might notice that your dog has lost his or her appetite and refuses to eat at his or her given dinner time.


Like diarrhea, this is a health issue that usually proves to be of little concern but can be indicative of something much more serious going on with your dog's health. Kidney failure, poisoning, heatstroke, and pancreatitis are all possible explanations for why your dog is vomiting. Again, much like with diarrhea, if your dog's vomiting persists for over a day or is coupled with blood or otherwise strange behavior, then you should take your dog to your local vet's office without hesitation. Vomiting is usually treated in a number of ways, including drugs that will inhibit vomiting or even binding foods that will settle your dog's stomach.

About Me

Protecting Your Pet

Nearly nine years ago, I adopted a loving, friendly, and hyper puppy. Over the years, this sweet dog has brought much joy to my small family. Because this dog was the first pet I had as an adult, I researched ways to protect her from potential harm. I was amazed to learn that dogs aren’t supposed to eat certain foods such as chocolate, nuts, and grapes. For instance, I discovered that eating grapes can be detrimental to a canine’s kidneys. If you find out your dog has eaten a forbidden food, you should immediately call your trusted veterinarian. This professional can expertly advise you what you need to do in your situation. On this blog, I hope you will discover ways veterinarians treat dogs who have eaten problematic foods.


